Specialists in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the spine and pelvis and the effect on the surrounding ligaments, muscles and nerves.
Chiropractic is based on the knowledge that tension, misalignment or altered function of your spine and pelvis interfere with the nervous system and the surrounding muscles and ligaments. This reduces your body’s ability to coordinate its function, adapt to changing demands and cope with lifestyle stresses.
The structure of your spine allows it to naturally absorb a large amount of Stress and tension. When one joint or region becomes tense and restricted, other parts of your spine that are moving well simply move more to compensate.
Your posture can be affected while your nervous system and body functions are dramatically reduced. Pain usually appears after many years, when your body is unable to absorb or compensate for any more stress or tension.
If you haven’t visited a chiropractor before, you might be missing out. Millions of people around the world have experienced the incredible benefits of chiropractic care.
Your Liverpool Chiropractor focuses on improving the function of your spine and pelvis, helping your nervous system and muscular system to function at its best. This helps improve flexibility and posture, makes it easier for your body to deal and cope with stresses of daily life and increase performance and wellness.
Working on all the joints of the body, concentrating particularly on the spine, chiropractors use their hands to make often gentle, specific adjustments (manipulations) and other joint and soft-tissue therapies, as well as giving exercises, and health and lifestyle advice, to help support the body’s natural ability to heal.
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